22 sept 2010
19 sept 2010
10 sept 2010
De Inglaterra con amor
Alexa Chung es originaria de la región de Hampshire, en el Reino Unido. Es hija de Philip Chung, diseñador gráfico y de descendencia china, y de Gillian Née Burgess, una ama de casa.
Estudió letras inglesas y arte en una universidad local, pero decidió darle una oportunidad al modelaje a finales de la década de los 90.
En ese entonces, Alexa únicamente logró trabajar para revistas de adolescentes y anunciar productos de limpieza y cuidado de la piel.
Después de cuatro años, la británica se hartó del modelaje, sobre todo, porque dejó en ella una baja autoestima y una imagen distorsionada sobre su aspecto. Se dio a la tarea de iniciar una fundación artística y de cursar una especialidad en periodismo de moda, pero la vida tenía otros planes para ella.
Su estilo atípicamente chic, con toques de grunge e inocencia, de Chung llamó la atención de productores de televisión, quienes la invitaron a conducir el programa Popworld. A partir de ahí, participó en distintas series televisivas hasta conseguir un contrato de más de dos millones de pesos con Channel 4.
A mediados de 2008, su carrera como conductora comenzó a enfocarse más en las emisiones sobre moda, donde tuvo la oportunidad de entrevistar a personajes como Roberto Cavalli, Karl Lagerfeld, Jean Paul Gaultier y Christian Lacroix.
Alexa describió este trabajo como “de ensueño”; sin embargo, aún vendrían colaboraciones con el diario The Independent y Vogue UK, para la que aún contribuye. Chung es un rostro común en los principales desfiles de moda, pero no le gusta el término it girl.
Por si esto fuera poco, la prestigiada firma Mulberry, especialista en accesorios, creó un bolso en su honor llamado Alexa. Asimismo, la chica es imagen de la actual campaña publicitaria de Pepe Jeans London y ha aparecido en anuncios de DKNY Jeans.
No todo es glamour y ropa en la existencia de Chung, al contrario. La joven, de 26 años, se preocupa por involucrarse en actos altruistas y apoyar causas encontra del SIDA, para promover el uso de condones y conseguir un trato justo para trabajadores del campo.
Alexa Chung Replaces Zane Lowe As MTV Gonzo Host

Alexa Chung has been unveiled as the new host of MTV’s flagship alternative music show, Gonzo.
The 26-year-old TV presenter will replace Zane Lowe when the programme returns to MTV Rocks in October.
“I am thrilled to be presenting Gonzo,” Chung said. “It’s a show I’ve always admired and I’m looking forward to reupholstering the sofa.”
Chung, who dates Arctic Monkeys frontman Alex Turner, will interview both music stars and celebrities on the show.
She has previously hosted Channel 4’s Popworld, as well as It’s On with Alexa Chung on MTV in the US.
Love letter From Alex to Alexa

“My mouth hasn’t shut up about you since you kissed it. The idea that you may kiss it again stuck in my brain, which hasn’t stopped thinking about you since well before any kiss. And now the prospect of those kisses seems to wind me like when you slip on the stairs and one of the steps hits you in the middle of the back. The notion of them continuing for what is traditionally terrifying forever excites me to an unfamiliar degree.”
A love note written by Alex Turner for Alexa Chung :)
Alexa & We are scientists

And no, it’s not a duet either (although that would definitely be interesting).
But Alexa has lent her hand to rockers We Are Scientists by drawing the artwork for their new single, “I Don’t Bite.”
It’s a sea creature standing next to a martini glass. Um…okay, that’s cool.
Check out the single (and the cover art) for yourself when it drops October 11!
A couple of Q&As with dailycandy.com:
We’ve had a girl crush on model-turned-interviewer-turned-whatever-she-wants Alexa Chung for ages. So we’re using the upcoming launch of her amazing collection for Madewell as an excuse to subject her to the same brilliantly funny questions she’s asked celebrities on her beloved, departed MTV talk show, It’s On with Alexa Chung.
Here’s one you asked the cast of Glee: Let’s say you’re opening a chain restaurant. What will you call it?
A themed restaurant or just a restaurant?
A themed one, obviously.
Well, it’s a shame that Jekyll & Hydeis already taken, because that is really good. Um. I’d really like to do a
Speaking of Spice Girls, which one would you be?
Definitely Ginger Spice.
You asked Emile Hirsch how he’d describe his smell. So how about yours?
Ha. I don’t know. I wear rose perfume, so maybe I smell like roses.
Now for Lady Gaga, you asked her about what she wears to the grocery store. So how do you dress to go grocery shopping?
I dress like Lady Gaga.
Would you rather lose an eye or gain one?
Oh, that’s from John Mayer. He was cracking me up at the time, and I couldn’t hold it together, because I thought that was the best thing I’d ever heard. As he said, I’d gain one then work an eye patch — a really cool, bedazzled eye patch. Though maybe I can gain one and put it in the back of my head and switch between the three. I’d be like an owl.
And you could cover the third with hair?
And you could see what people were saying about you, literally, behind your back.
This last question is also something you asked John Mayer. And it’s our favorite question ever.
It’s about the hairline, isn’t it?
Yes! Would you rather have a receding hairline or a — if this is a word — proceeding hairline?
Oh, man. I don’t know, because neither is particularly attractive on a lady. I mean, if you’re a guy, you can just kind of have a receding one, and it’s fine. Or a proceeding one, and it can be like a beard. But I’m a lady. No facial furniture’s okay really, right? So I guess I’d have a receding one, and I can cover it with wigs.
We like that answer.
Well, I don’t want to be bothered with shaving every day. I can’t even bother with shaving every day now, so if it were on my face, it’d be a real nightmare. There’d be a lot going on.
Finally, is there anything you wish we’d asked?
If you die tomorrow, would you be happy with everything you’ve accomplished so far?
That’s a good one. So what’s the answer?
You’re quite deep. Well. It’s aiiight.
For more delightful insight into the world of Chung (her Madewell collection, fave foods, and whose closet she wants to raid), click to the DailyCandy Dossier. Visit regularly during Fashion Week for the chance to win one of the great makeup bags from the collection, launching September 9 online at madewell.com. Still want more? Check out our gallery of her original sketches.
When we called Alexa Chung for our interview, our phone was being echoey — and she immediately asked if we were in a toilet. (To which we replied, “Yes, we always do our interviews in the bathroom.”) With that, our Q&A was off to a great start. Here’s what followed.
Whose closet would you want to raid?
If you could build me a time machine, I would go back in time and raid Anita Pallenberg’s closet when she was hanging out with the Rolling Stones. Or maybe even Keith Richards. His wardrobe is pretty good.
If you could wear only one designer the rest of your life, who would it be?
Uh. I don’t think I could decide. I like too many. This week I really like Isabel Marant so much. But beyond that, there are just too many.
What was the design process with Madewell like?
It was really cool, because the design team was totally on board and really understood the kind of clothes and styles I like. I wasn’t really sure what was expected of me, so I did lots of sketches and brought in things from my own wardrobe I thought could be better. You know, so I could make my dream item. From that, the designer made proper drawings, and we got samples and decided on materials. And, yes, there are many polka dots — because those were my favorite things at that time.
Is there one trend you rocked in the past that now makes you cringe when you see pictures?
I’d say everything other than today. I don’t feel like you’re ever happy with something you’ve worn before. I’m only happy when I’m in the moment I’m in.
Can we expect to see an Alexa Chung brand down the road?
Well, maybe. I’m weary of celebrity designers, because I’m like, “You don’t have the right to do that. It’s just not fair.” With the collection for Madewell, definitely half of it was Kin [Ying Lee, Madewell design director], who had the ability to transpose my sketches into reality. Until I’m capable of doing that on my own, I don’t think I deserve to have my own line.
What’s your favorite food?
I went to dinner last night and someone gave me sea urchin, and that’s definitely not my favorite food. I think ice cream is my favorite food. Milk shakes. I guess that’s a drink not a food. But I’m pretty keen on milk shakes.
Do you prefer cats or dogs?
Depends on what kind of dog and what kind of cat. Dachshunds are definitely my favorite kind of dog. But then I like all breeds of cats. So maybe I’m more of cat person.
What’s the last great book you read?
I’m reading it now, and it’s called Please Kill Me. It’s an oral history of punk and how it came about in New York — from The Velvet Underground to the Ramones.
Are you a morning or night person?
I don’t think I’m either. I’m working during the day, so I’m usually tired at night and in the morning. I’m a day person.
And finally, if someone — hypothetically — wanted to send you candy, what’s your favorite?
I like Reese’s Pieces, but I’m also partial to Hershey’s cookies ’n’ creme.
Want to get your hands on something by Alexa Chung for Madewell (we’re positive the line will sell out in an hour)? Come back, ’cause we’re giving away her adorable makeup bags later this week.